Post-game interviews: 4.1.11

Easily the best game I’ve attended since covering this team.  The Toybox was absolutely electric, hitting levels this year only reached during the Hayes-Garnett altercation.  I’ve been saying this practically after every game, but this felt like a playoff game; imagine how the playoffs would feel with this team.

The drive to end regulation that saw Ginobili drive the parting sea not unlike Moses so many years ago – time momentarily froze.  Everybody in the building saw the lane the second it materialized and there was a collective gasp.  The season on the line, I don’t think I’ve felt that since Stockton in ’97.

Courtney Lee – what else can be said?  He’s a championship level player.  He’s one of the rare guys in basketball who has both the physical assets and a good head on his shoulders.  The ‘D’ he put on Manu to close the game was awe-inspiring. We should thank the heavens that the Asik deal did not materialize at the deadline.

My final thought is on what I still struggle to believe and find absolutely amazing: the Rockets’ offense since the break, a statistic that should serve as complete validation of Morey’s methods.  I myself was perhaps skeptical but it appears it works.  Target individual players with certain specific attributes (propensity to draw fouls, eFG%) and enjoy impact in the aggregate.  Fundamentally, it made too much sense to be practical.  Now will it work in the playoffs?  That’s a different question.

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