After the news today, I asked a friend about the possibility of trading Yao. Via email, Andrew, one of the persons whose opinion on basketball matters I trust most:
Only if Yao himself agrees that he is done. I haven’t read everything related to the latest, so I just don’t know. And more importantly, trying and doing are two separate questions.
But a couple things…
1.) It’s not going to be easy. Trading 17+ mill in expiring contracts is actually really difficult. Sure, you could get some trash, or 2nd tier players paid like stars. But what good does that do? Martin+Hill+a draft pick (the pick swap is now virtually worthless) was a great haul, but NY at least saw the slightest bit of potential in a TMac return.
2.) Yao is not Tracy in the sense he hasn’t worn out his welcome.
I don’t subscribe to the theory of Yao’s impact for Les in China being the reason he won’t be moved. As someone who actually does business in China, it’s just not that simple. But he’s a pretty chunky contract to try and move, and there are sentimental attachments as well. With Yao out of the picture, the return has to include some pretty attractive pieces — that begs the question why the other side is dumping them for salary reasons. There are no LeBron/Wade/Stoudemire/Bosh sweepstakes.