Some weeks ago, Donnie Walsh stated to the New York Daily News that he would “second guess [himself] forever” on including a 2012 first round pick in the trade for Tracy McGrady, prompting much response.
The reaction from Rockets observers, characterized primarily by mockery, was a bit peculiar. While the Knicks find themselves in an unfortunate plight, the merits of a decision should not be judged by its outcome.
Donnie Walsh had no choice. This was my opinion at the time of the trade. With the Knicks having struck out on the top names this summer, I still maintain that position.
Donnie Walsh had no choice. With even the mere possibility of landing two marquee players, he simply had to take action, regardless of cost. He could not have entered last summer without even a chance.
Hindsight often lends cause for derision. While Walsh’s gamble may not have paid, that trade was the reasonable thing to do.