Wild Speculation -It’s trade talk time. ESPN’s 5-on-5 has several Rockets-related scenarios. Here’s a quick rundown of ideas floated by contributors:
2. Smith to the Rockets for Patrick Patterson, Terrence Jones, Donatas Motiejunas and Cole Aldrich.
If the Trade Machine has to work any harder it will probably sling a rod.
After the jump: one year of Linsanity.
Happy Linaversary – The good folks over at Ball Don’t Lie commemorate a year since Lin burst on the scene in the Big Apple.
Dwightwatch – Lakers GM Mitch Kupchak tells Newsday:
“We will not make a trade. We will not trade Dwight Howard. We have no intention of making a trade. It’s unlikely that we’ll make any trade with any of our principal players. To make another change at this time of the year being behind the eight-ball like we are, I think that would just make it more difficult. The talent is there. We have to find our way.”
So there you go. The Lakers are never, ever, ever trading Dwight. Like, ever. But when Superman sits down with ESPN, he totally dodges whether he will stay with L.A. for the longterm.
Tweet That – Jeremy Lin looks in the rearview.
[blackbirdpie url="https://twitter.com/JLin7/status/298577685079289856"]
StatCheck: Open Question - Josh Smith is assisted on 74% of his made jump shots this season, according to 82games.com. What I would love to know to shed light on how he might fit in Houston: what is his percentage on spot-up attempts in general? As Grantland pointed out last week, he is arguably the worst volume mid-range shooter in the game. He actually shoots about 8% better from three.
Got any sweet links or suggestions? Email them to jeby901@gmail.com or message John Eby on Twitter @EbyNews.