Category Archives: legal analysis

Hooplaw: Kentucky Fried Bourbon and a Cathartic Trade Deadline

To prepare for the bar exam, I unhooked myself from the world for an entire month so that I could stare at legal outlines until my head exploded. I pretended there was no internet and became single minded machine. I exercised so I could keep studying. I ate healthier and more frequent meals to keep [...]

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The Greatest Rockets Fan of All Time

Basketball is a sport where some of the audience sits just feet from the game. Some of its fans become part of the backdrop. Great plays and great moments include fans that are courtside. Television also offers high profile fans the opportunity to become visible cheerleaders to both the players and the general audience. For [...]

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On the NBA: Negotiation Theory and Prokhorov’s Bluff

Negotiation, like chess, the popular Russian pastime, is a game. Pick up any book on negotiation and it will be littered with references to game theories. Most importantly, anyone trained in the art of negotiation, knows that it’s a game. Mikhail Prokhorov, Russian billionaire, is a highly sophisticated business man intimately familiar with the rules [...]

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On the NBA: Don’t Tamper With My Fun

Recent news reports revealed that Dan Gilbert, the notorious owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers, has employed a law firm to investigate allegations that the Miami Heat violated the NBA’s anti-tampering rules with its alleged efforts to recruit LeBron James while he was a member of the Cavaliers. This report is hardly shocking in light of [...]

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