Hello fellow Rockets fans.
This post is to inform everyone of some recent and coming changes.
Those who access the forum via the front page of www.Red94.net have probably noticed the link to the Forum has vanished. A new link will be added in the near future in the sidebar. Currently, there is still access at the bottom of the front page, but I recommend bookmarking directly to the Forum in the meantime.
As many have noticed, Rahat's articles are no longer being linked directly to the Forum. (I think this will solely be the case for Rahat. The other authors who post here will still be linking to the forums...I think ...will update if this is not true.)
All of Rahat's articles will now use Disqus. It's pretty simple to sign up or you can use a variety of other pre-existing accounts (like Facebook) to log in. It uses a more modern forum style that makes it somewhat easier to follow individual conversations. Everyone is welcome to join these discussions. They can be accessed at the bottom of each article.
As of now, there isn't much (read: any) moderator influence in these discussions. Enter at your own risk.
I suspect we will get some spillover from the Disqus crowd into the Forum. Try not to feed the Trolls and let the mods do the dirty work. Use the "Report" function to let us know if someone is out of line.
The Forum is not going away; rather, Rahat believes the Forum can take care of itself at this point. I'm sure he intends to chime in from time to time, but his articles will be a front-page only thing. We can always link to a front page article ourselves and create an internal thread.
As has always been the case--everyone is welcome to create new threads. Find an interesting article? Recent news? General thoughts/questions? You know....the usual.
If anyone has questions/thoughts feel free to post them in here or you can PM me or one of the other mods.