Are you all really willing to let Asik go for Howard? Since 2004 id say yes! Even if Omer was like 15... but this year... after this drama with Royce White... a guy that doesn't play and no one cares about... I can seriously see what a single player can do to a franchise with attitude alone.
Yes he's amazing in all facets but the kid brings a stink. Demarcus is another one. Omer just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Look at these teams that win championships. Show me the fuss with the guys on top. Im not seeing it.
Now CP3 on the other hand... id do whatever possible to get him in a Rockets Uni.
Kobe and Shaq hated each other, and they won 3 rings yo. Warm and fuzzy feelings don't win championships. Would I rather move Lin and get CP3 than move Asik and get Howard? Yes. Would I still take Howard over Asik in a heartbeat? Yes. But I'd miss Asik and feel pretty bummed out lol. He really is a great player on a great contract; he's just not a superstar.
edit: my understanding of the cba and of the numbers was off, I think the below is impossible. CP3 + Harden + D12 = $54.3M...that leaves us 9 roster spots to fill w/ just $4M. If we keep Parsons, that is $3M for 8 spots. :S
More I think about it though, more I don't see why we can't get both CP3 and Howard. While independently, they both have better reasons for staying in LA, but together, there is a STRONG case for coming to Houston. We're one of the only teams that can physically put them both together this summer WITH James Harden and a bench full of great value players who have a lot of potential AND a GM who can put great role players around a superstar core in his sleep. LAC doesn't have an organization as well run as ours. While LAL could put quality players around Howard, that's a promise, while we can offer both the promise AND the beginnings of it right now (a la CP3 w/ Harden).
Asik and TRob easy to move and not take on extra $$ (or in a S&T w/ an LA team), but Lin is tougher...and is the concern. Who would take him in a S&T when they know not taking him would mean they keep their star (most likely), and what team under the cap wants Lin for free essentially?
CP3 is really competitive, and I imagine Howard is too. Money is nice, but a ring is nicer. We'd be a younger version of the Heat, and we'd be able to stay together longer because of how Morey works and the K's are structured. I just don't see why they would NOT agree to a scenario that would create:
CP3/Harden/Parsons/DMo/Howard......Bev/Anderson/White/TJones/GSmith/Olbrecht/PHX's 2nd round draft pick. Maybe spend MLE or something to get another veteran wing scorer and we are SOLID. That is 4 yrs of auto contention, and a team that would still be one of the youngest in the nba (and a bench that is better than Heat's first yr together bench and LAL's current bench).